What is Diabetes Mellitus?

Diabetes Mellitus Type II is a chronic metabolic disease characterized by continuous increase in blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia). The main cause of the disease is a result of eating habits with foods that are high in sugar, excessive weight and smoking.

In fact, the disease Diabetes Mellitus ' type II does not occur suddenly. At least there are stages that begin to occur in this type II Diabetes Mellitus. The stage is called glucose tolerance disorder (GTG). However, it is unfortunate that many of the patients are unaware of the GTG, causing the development of GTG to become Diabetes Mellitus type II.

To overcome this disease, it is important that you know what is actually happening in the body of this type II Diabetes Mellitus patient. Why should the body need sugar as an energy source instead of being forced to avoid sugar??.

Every cell in the body needs energy to perform its own activities. The energy is derived from the food that has been converted to sugar. And you need to know that each cell has receptors to capture those sugars with the help of blood sugar metabolism agents.

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Every cell in the body needs energy to perform its own activities. The energy is derived from the food that has been converted to sugar. And you need to know that each cell has receptors to capture those sugars with the help of blood sugar metabolism agents. Cells have a hand (receptors) that are triangular in shape while sugar molecules are round. Then it takes the metabolic agent of blood sugar as a liaison so that the sugar molecule can enter the cell. In normal people, each cell receptor needs 1 unit of blood sugar metabolism agent to be able to capture 1 sugar obtained in a relation of 1:1 (meaning 1 molecule Sugar requires 1 unit of metabolic blood sugar agents to enter the cell). However, due to poor living patterns and various other factors, the body experiences disorders in the formation of blood sugar metabolism agents so that the quality and form of blood sugar metabolism agents become damaged. In this state to enter 1 molecule of sugar requires 3 units of blood sugar metabolism agents so that the relation becomes 1:3 (meaning 1 Molecule sugar requires 3 units of blood sugar metabolism agent to be able to enter the cell).

Due to the needs of many blood sugar metabolism agents, the pancreas is "forced" to work harder. At this stage the patient has entered the GTG phase (glucose tolerance disorder) where the time required to digest the sugar becomes slightly longer than the normal human. If this is left in the long-term then this condition will cause the destruction of pancreatic ß cells. Where the pancreas ß cells normally regulate the expenditure of blood sugar metabolism agents that can maintain sugar levels in the blood.

There are things we do not agree about in the treatment of Diabetes Mellitus type II in the conventional medicine which often provide sulfonylurea groups in which the way the drug works is to force the pancreas to work to produce more blood sugar metabolism agents than ever before. But from the above patomecanism we can find out that pancreatic ß cells in GTG patients (early stage diabetes mellitus type II) have been compensated to produce blood sugar metabolism agents much more than before. When a GTG patient's body is given this sulfonylurea class, the pancreatic damage will occur faster (like whipping the sick organ to work harder) and eventually the pancreas will enter a defect phase where the pancreas is not able to produce blood sugar metabolism agents at all. And certainly in that phase sufferers of type II diabetics will not want to use blood sugar metabolism agents to control their blood sugar levels.

Whereas the use of blood sugar metabolism agents themselves also have a myriad of side effects we illustrate how dangerous the use of blood sugar metabolism agents in the long term are.

“Imagine you would be diagnosed with Diabetes Mellitus type II who the doctor administered 20 units per day of Metabolism agents of blood sugar. Then, on the first day, you eat rice with grilled chicken with a sugar molecule of 20 units. So you need to inject the metabolic agent blood sugar with a dose of 20 units. The second day, you are invited to eat at your friend who served fried rice with chicken stew containing 40 units of sugar molecules, then you stick to the metabolism of blood sugar agents with a dose of 20 units. On the third day, you don’t take a tasteful meal so you only consume two apples containing 5 units of sugar molecules but again you keep injecting insulin with a dose of 20 units.”.

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Please note, there is an imbalance between the dosage of blood sugar metabolism agents with the sugar Molecular unit. This can cause the excess or lack of metabolic agent blood sugar in the body that can cause new diseases of hormonal disorders of male reproductive agents and female reproductive agent substances. Polycystic ovarian syndrome, depression, excess fat-filling, increased coronary heart risk and others. Why is it so??? Because the actual balance of expenditure of any hormone in our body is governed by the brain. So there is no fixed daily dosage. The brain that determines the dosage needs of hormonal secretion per day according to our needs. So, it is unlikely to create a dose of a sedentary daily blood sugar metabolism agent, this circumstance will cause an imbalance that interferes with the performance of other hormones because the performance between 1 hormone affects the performance of other hormones.(A. Schaschkow, C. Mura, S. Dal, A. Langlois, E. Seyfritz, C. Sookhareea, W. Bietiger, C. Peronet, N. Jeandidier, M. Pinget, S. Sigrist, and E. Maillard, “Impact of the Type of Continuous agen metabolisme gula darah Administration on Metabolism in a Diabetic Rat Model”. UMR DIATHEC, EA 7294, Centre Européen d’Etude du Diabète, Université de Strasbourg (UdS), Boulevard René Leriche, 67200 Strasbourg, France. Department of Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolic Diseases, Pôle NUDE, Hôpitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg (HUS), 67000 Strasbourg Cedex, France

We do research on cases of Diabetes Mellitus and we found that in most diabetic type II patients have a normal amount of blood sugar metabolism. However, with imperfect shape, increased blood sugar levels will cause the blood to become viscous (glucosilation), resulting in the acceleration of atherosclerosis Formation (blockage) in high-risk blood vessels up to the occurrence of coronary heart disease, Stroke, kidney failure, blindness, etc.

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We also look for various herbal ingredients that can act not only to lower blood sugar levels. However, the most important thing is to be able to improve the production of blood sugar metabolism agents by ß pancreas cells, and after working with some of the herbal researchers from other countries we finally find that Tithonia Diversifolia, Cyclocarya Palliurus with multi-tiered herbal extraction can help care sufferers of Diabetes Mellitus type II in lowering blood sugar levels and improving the production quality of pancreatic ß cells in producing agents of blood sugar metabolism.

We named this product with Diacose Gold. Diacose Gold has been examined in rats that have been specially treated to develop the disease of Diabetes Mellitus with blood sugar levels > 300 mg/dl. The results showed that the mice blood sugar levels administered by Diacose Gold suffered significantly less in blood sugar levels. In addition, since the main cause of Diabetes Mellitus type II is hormonal damage to blood sugar metabolism agents, we are again looking for a herbal ingredient that serves to improve the hormone. We also found that extracts from the leaves and fruits of Olea europea oil that are consumed for 12 weeks, are significantly able to help improve the quality of hormone metabolism agents both in blood sugar function (sensitivity) as well as expenditure (secretion). .

We named this product with Eropea. Eropea is shown to increase the sensitivity of blood sugar metabolism agents up to 15-20% compared to glibenclamide (P 0.05). (A. Eidi, M. Eidi, R. Darzi. Antidiabetic effect of Olea europaea L. in normal and diabetic rats, Department of Biology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran)

The combination of Diacose Gold and Eropea has been proven to help increase blood sugar metabolic agent levels in preventing the decline and suppressing of pancreatic ß cell apoptosis, as well as helping to lower the damage caused by hyperglycemia against liver organs, The kidneys, and the heart after being administered for 4-7 weeks (P 0.05).Our management Program is the MELLITUS CARE

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Surely there is a process that you should pursue to achieve a significant improvement in using the above Mellitus Care in dealing with diabetes Mellitus, namely:

1. Never consume anything sweet. Do not believe in advertising the sugar products "corn", "Special Sugar Diabet" WHY??? Because we have further investigated that most of the products use the artificial sugar ASPARTAME which in various studies is mentioned when ASPARTAME is used with hot water can trigger the occurrence of cancer. Is it worth the risk with the benefits you will get?? (Schernhammer ES, Bertrand KA, Birmann BM, Sampson L, Willett WC, Feskanich D. Consumption of artificial sweetener– and sugar-containing soda and risk of lymphoma and leukemia in men and women. Am J Clin Nutr 2012;96:1419–28)

2. Reduce the consumption of carbohydrates to only 1/4 your usual dose. Try to eat only carbohydrates of around 2-3 tablespoons in a day. You can multiply the consumption of proteins such as fish and chicken and multiply the fibers from green vegetables. Remember…Carbohydrates are not just RICE. But fruit, noodles, potatoes, yam, cassava, bread, flour, biscuits also include CARBOHYDRATES. So you need to avoid them.

3. Always check your blood sugar level 2x a day for the first 2 months using the Mellitus Care program, which is 2 hours after dinner and 12 hours after dinner to evaluate the performance of your pancreas.

4. Keep exercising so that your body can be better at utilizing blood sugar.

5. Be patient at least 6 months of Meliitus Care to see a significant improvement in your Diabetes Mellitus condition.



(* DISCLAIMER: Results can vary by individual)

Remember !!! DIABETES MELLITUS TYPE II is a serious disease that can threaten your life


Disease Healing Program

With Our Consultant Via Whatsapp

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(0853 2020 2039)

Alkindi Medical Results

51 year old woman

49 years old man

60 year old man

(* DISCLAIMER: Results can vary by individual)

Produk Alkindi


- Tithonia diversifolia.
- Plantago major L.
- Cyclocarya paliurus.

- Membantu menurunkan kadar gula darah pada penderita diabetes millitus tipe II.

- Hipoglikemi.
- Pusing.
- Mual.
- Berkeringat dan berdebar-debar.

PRICE : Rp.504.000


- Olea europaea oil.

- Membantu memperbaiki kerusakan sel ß pulau langerhans.
- Membantu meningkatkan sensifitas reseptor agen metabolisme gula darah terhadap membran sel.

- Tidak memiliki efek samping.

PRICE : Rp.89.600


Jalan IR. Haji Juanda No. 13, Kemiri Muka, Beji, Kota Depok, Jawa Barat 16423

Buka: Setiap hari (08:00-16:00)

Telephone: (021) 7721-9559 atau (021) 2986-7985

Mobile: 0819-820-221 / 0853-2020-2039


Jl. Sidorukun, Pulo Brayan Darat II, Kec. Medan Tim., Kota Medan, Sumatera Utara 20237

Buka: Senin - Kamis dan Sabtu - Minggu (08:00-16:00)

Telepon : +62 61 66935676

Mobile: 0819-820-221 / 0853-2020-2039


Jl. Raya Wisma Lidah Kulon No.A-88, Lidah Kulon, Kec. Lakarsantri, Kota SBY, Jawa Timur 60213

Buka: Senin - Kamis dan Sabtu - Minggu (08:00-16:00)

Telepon : (031) 75130194

Mobile: 0819-820-221 / 0853-2020-2039


A. PHONE: (021) 2986-7985

- 0853-2020-2039
- 0819-820-221